When the author lacks respect for Indian intellectual system itself, how can we expect her to have respect for a language that represents it. Sanskrit can be revived, what is needed is the promotion Indian arts and sciences. But whenever you try to do that people like the author always come up with argument that when we have so many poor people why are we doing this. This argument is just like the argument people give when India started her space mission. Why India is trying to send a Rocket to space when India has so many poor people to feed.
The whole article has a condescending air to it, as if the author is very smart and all these people who are trying to revive Sanskrit are dumb. We have a lot of such people, you know high class people, who speak English ya. These people think that the plays of Shakespeare are brilliant while Hindu Puranas are superstitious stories of primitive people. They believe that Patriarchy should be smashed, Islamophobia is irrational and traditional cultures have been oppressive. They are completely clueless of what is happening at the grass root level, because they are just too important to come down to that level.
Don't get me wrong, modern education is very important if we want to build a modern India. However here is the thing, instead of teaching science in English, why can't we teach them in Sanskrit. If Sanskrit was the language of the Elites in ancient India then today English is the language of the Elites.