What Type of Training Impresses Girls the Most
Most of the guys who perform strength training usually perform it for the purpose of bodybuilding. It is clear why guys focus on it the most. They desire to look good and impress the girls with their impressive physique. There is nothing wrong with this. Of course finding a suitable mate and contributing to the gene pool is the biggest purpose for our lives. In my opinion all of the guys and girls should strive to look their best. This will boost your confidence, which will eventually results in a lot of positive things happen to you in your life.
Unfortunately, over the last two decades we have pushed the limits of an ideal body for both men and women a little too far. Just look at the ultimate symbol of male sexuality, James Bond. Compare the physique of Sean Connery with Daniel Craig and you can see how things have changed. The physique of Sean Connery by today’s standards is quite unimpressive. Now, I am not saying that we should not show such physiques, of course they are just movies, which is escapism and you should not take them seriously. The problem is when people take these images seriously and aspire to be like them. To look like them all the time is a lot of work. With our busy lives it is extremely difficult to maintain such a lifestyle and in my opinion not even worth it.
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