The Fittest Man in Human History and what can we learn from him

Rahul Yadav
4 min readJul 16, 2018


In this article we will talk about the fittest man in the known human history and what can we learn from him.

Before we talk about the fittest man in human history, lets first try to understand what is fitness. When we talk about fitness the first thing that comes in our mind is someone who has a 6-pack abs, big biceps and who can perform difficult workouts with ease. However all of this is physical fitness, which is a subset of fitness. Fitness is a much broader term and is something you should take far more seriously than physical fitness. So lets understand what is fitness.

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You might have heard of the phrase, “Survival of the Fittest” most often derived from Darwin’s theory of evolution. Fitness as a correct term is associated with the word “Fittest” in this phrase. Going down to the very basic level, the sole purpose of our existence in this world is to reproduce and transfer our genes to the next generation.

Therefore the fittest individual is the one who is the most successful in doing that. A man who is the most desirable to a woman therefore becomes the fittest, as he has the best chance of transferring his genes to the next generation. Ghenghis Khan is therefore the fittest man in human history as 1 in every 200 men alive today has his genes. Now that we understand this, lets see what this teaches us and how we should use this information to set our life priorities right.

The audience of this channel is predominantly young men in their 20s and 30s, who are interested in fitness or I should say physical fitness. This is great, as a young man you have taken the right step to take care of your health. Working out regularly is a great habit. It helps you stay healthy both physically and mentally. It helps you in developing more self-confidence and energy, which translates into success in other areas of life. However this was not the reason why we got interested in fitness. Lets be honest, most of us got into fitness to look good.

Generally we hear women complaining about how the media portrays ta woman’s beauty to the levels, which an average woman cannot achieve. What we don’t hear is the portrayal of men in the media. Exactly the same thing applies to them. The media is full of the images of muscular men with chiseled abs and perfect body…… Just as girls want to look like female supermodels, boys and young men get into fitness because they want to look like the male supermodels and actors.

However guys, here is the thing, girls do not feel as much attraction to guys with good looks as guys feel to girls with good looks. Girls are more attracted to guys who are powerful and have more resources. This is the reason why most of the powerful men through out history had so many concubines. Even now most of the affairs that come out in the media generally involve a young woman and an older powerful man. The media generally puts all the blame on the man, portraying him to be abusing his power and that might be true in many of these cases, but there is also a clear scientific evidence that women are attracted to powerful men.

So, being a young man if you are only focusing on your physical fitness, then you are committing a mistake. Your career is far more important for your fitness than your physique. This does not mean that you should stop focusing on your physical fitness all together. As mentioned previously your physical fitness has a lot of positive effect on your life, which will indirectly impact your career.

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To summarize, a girl will find a guy far more attractive if he is amongst the top 5% earners and has a decent healthy looking body rather than a guy who has the physique of Brad Pitt but has an average income. So do not fuzz too much about your six-pack abs or biceps, they don’t matter much, just try to stay healthy and in good shape and focus more on your career.

Originally published at



Rahul Yadav
Rahul Yadav

Written by Rahul Yadav

Discover Indian Heritage: Arts, Science, Religion and Philosophy of India

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