Human Obsession for a Big Butt Explained
Big booty workout is now a sensation in the fitness industry. Many of the young women aspire to have a bootylicious body of pop stars such as Jennifer Lopez or Beyonce. The craze has had its victims. There have been a few cases of young women dying while trying to get silicone injections to enhance their backside. Bigger butt always comes up to be rated as the top body part we look at while choosing our sexual partner. It is true for both males and females. Everybody knows that men prefer women with a thin waist and wide hips as their sexual partner. However research has also shown that women also seem to prefer men with big glutes. In this article we will discuss why this maybe so.
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Why Men find Women with Bigger Glutes Attractive
Across all the cultures and races, men seem to prefer the women with small waist and bigger glutes attractive. This preference can be traced back to prehistoric times. While studying remote tribes in Africa, scientists observed how while choosing a mate, men used to line up all the unmarried girls of a village in a row and then the male highest in the hierarchy will choose the girl whose back will protrude out the most. In the Victorian Era, women used to enhance their backside by wearing bustles. Wearing high heels that also help in enhancing how a woman’s… Human Obsession for a Big Butt Explained