How to Schedule your Workout Program
You know that exercising is good for you. Most of you are aware of the recommendation from Department of Health and Human Services that you should perform aerobic exercises 3–5 times a week for at least 30 minutes and strength train 2 times a week. Yet most of you find it difficult to follow the recommendation. Why does it happen? You realize that your health is your biggest wealth and should be your top priority, still most of the times you fail to take care of it. The trick is not to know what is the right thing to do rather it is building a framework of habits and schedule for doing the right thing even if is the difficult thing to do. Most of the people who are disciplined build such frameworks to make sure that they don’t deviate from their path. In this article, we will discuss how you can schedule your workout program so that you can stay on track with it.
Many of us download fitness apps or fitness trackers in the hope that these devices will help us stay motivated and regularly exercise. Most often we do manage to work out regularly with these devices. There is no doubt that fitness app and fitness trackers have helped a lot of people to stay on track with their fitness program. However, for many the excitement dies down in sometime and then they get back to their old ways. Everyone can come up with some type of excuse to not workout, but let’s be honest to ourselves, it takes an enormous amount of will power to go workout and sometime we just lack that will power. The thought of packing our gym bag, going to the gym… Read More