How to do Proper Squat, Benefits and Popular Variations of Squat
The squat is the absolute foundational movement of a human body. We are designed to squat. A squat is the natural human seated position, where we see small children able to play, work, and even answer the call of nature!
It uses an incredible number of muscles in one go, along with many joints. The exercise is a part of any comprehensive training program, regardless of goals. Whether for your grandmother or young son or daughter, squats are safe, natural and should be performed at least twice per week. A squat can be performed with no weight at all, a little weight or a huge load, once well trained.
We will go over the benefits of squatting in detail in a moment. For now, let’s look at how to do a proper squat.
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How to do a Proper Squat
A squat is performed with the feet at a comfortable width apart. Stance is unique to each person because it depends on the angle of the hip joint, as well as the degree… Read More