Good Carbs, Bad Carbs — How to Make the Right Choices

Rahul Yadav
3 min readApr 7, 2018


Carbohydrates or Carbs are one of three macronutrients that our body requires to function effectively. While carbs have recently had a bad rep as the cause of excessive weight gain, there are a lot of good carbs out there. In this video we are going to learn about what are good carbs that we should eat and how much carbs should our diet have.

Carbohydrates vary in terms of the variety of micronutrients, the glycemic index rating, and the density of calories per serving. A particular carbohydrate can be good or bad for you depending on these properties.

Glycemic index and carbs

Glycemic index rating or GI rating describes the rate at which a certain food is absorbed by the body. Foods with a higher GI rating will be processed rapidly and provide your body energy instantly however they will spike your blood sugar levels and makes you feel hungry again quickly. Foods with low GI ratings are digested slowly and therefore make you feel full longer.

Depending on an individual’s situation, higher or lower glycemic index carbs both may be appropriate. An athlete running a race may want to consume high GI foods immediately before a race to have instant energy available to do the hard work. A diabetic on the other hand may decide to consume low GI foods to prevent diabetic attack from occurring.

What are good carbs

When choosing carbohydrates you should be aware of what are good carbs. A good carb source is filled with variety of micronutrients (minerals and vitamins) and has a low glycemic index rating.

When we think of carbs potatoes, rice and pasta come to our mind. However, not many of us realize that fruits and vegetables also fall into the carb category. The lowest glycemic index carbs are the vegetables. Most of the vegetables are very high in antioxidants, vitamins, iron, while containing very few calories per serving. Fruits have relatively higher amounts of calorie and also provide a lot of micronutrients, however the calories from fruit are also not sufficient for normal functioning of the body. If you are looking to lose weight then fruits and vegetables are good carbs for you.

However, if you do hard work then good carbs for you are whole grains and beans, which will provide you needed energy. Whole grains and beans are packed with good quality calories and are also a good source of micronutrients. Moreover due to their low glycemic index, they are digested slowly and do not raise the blood sugar level. You feel more satisfied after eating these carbs and do not get hungry again.

Bad Carbs

Finally, the simple carbs such as sugar, refined flour and white rice. They are low in nutrient and high in glycemic index. You can eat a lot of them without feeling satisfied. When your diet mainly contains simple carbs you end up consuming a lot more calories than what you need. This eventually leads to weight gain, obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure and type II diabetes. Unfortunately, these are the carbs that constitute major part of a modern diet.

How much Carbs should you Eat

The amount of carbohydrates that we should eat is dependent on what your goal is. If you are bulking up and trying to gain muscle then carbs should make up 40–60% of your total daily calories. If you are trying to maintain weight then carbs should make up 30–50% of your daily calories while if you are trying to cut fat then carbs should constitute 10–30% of your total daily calories. No matter the goal, always make sure that the carbs you are eating are all coming from sources of good carbs.

In the recent times carbohydrates have received a lot of bad reputation. Everybody seems to be going on low carb diet. Keep in mind, carbohydrates are not your enemy, they are an essential macronutrient that your body needs to function normally. It is the highly processed carbs, which are low in nutrients and high in GI, which is the problem. If you aware of what are the good carbs and include them in your diet according to you daily needs, you should be fine.



Rahul Yadav
Rahul Yadav

Written by Rahul Yadav

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