Exercises to Build Strong Abs

Rahul Yadav
4 min readAug 12, 2018


In this article we will be talking about abdominal muscles. We will learn the structure and function of abdominal muscles and exercises to build strong abs.

The abdominals are made up of several layers of muscles that attach vertically, horizontally and diagonally (obliquely). This network of abdominal muscles creates a stable trunk for your body. Strong abs don’t just look nice, they serve a very important function!

How it works

The abdominal muscles help with the breathing process and provide protection to the inner organs. The abdominal muscles help with rotation and flexion of the trunk and also stabilize it. This is probably the most important function in the whole body. The abdominals support the spine, helping to maintain posture and connect the upper and lower limbs so they can function as a unit during any physical activity be it walking, running, climbing or anything else.

Exercises for strong abs


Sit-ups is the first exercise that comes in mind when we talk about building abs. This exercise has recently received a lot of bad press as they may cause back discomfort. The fact still remains though that many bodybuilders have used this exercise extensively to develop strong abs. You may give this exercise a try after consulting with your doctor. It is performed by lying down on the floor, with the feet secured so that they do not move during the exercise, elevate your torso until your head comes up close to your knees, while breathing out. Once you are at the top lower back down to the starting position.


Crunches are very similar to sit-ups with only difference being that you just elevate your head and shoulder slightly and not all the way up as in sit ups. This isolates your abs. Make sure that you keep you back straight when you lift your head up.


Lying face- up on the floor, lift the legs fully extended and the arms fully extended overhead. Keep the feet tightly together, bringing the arms and feet together at about the midline of the trunk, to touch your toes. Use careful timing to bring the fingers to the toes at the correct moment, and then fully extend again to repeat.

The Plank

This exercise has gained widespread popularity these days. On the floor, facing down, lift your bodyweight up to be supported just on your toes and elbows/ forearms. Keep the elbows under the shoulders, and create a straight “plank” with the entire body. The position is simply held for as long as possibly, or up to about 60seconds. Plank is a safe and functional exercise, which anybody can and should do. It engages the abdominals in the way Mother Nature intended them to work, that is, to maintain proper alignment of the spine.

Leg Raises

This exercise is more suited to target the lower abs. There are different versions of this exercise, here we cover the most basic version, which is the lying leg raises. While lying on the floor raise your legs up until your legs make 900angle with the abdomen. Hold the position for a second and then bring your legs down in a controlled manner.

Ab rollout

Yet another advanced exercise, the ab rollout could be performed with a small ab wheel or with a barbell set up with some small weights that turn. Start with the wheel or bar under the chest and hips extended. Place a mat under the knees just in case it becomes uncomfortable. Activate the movement by slowly rolling out the wheel, extending at the shoulders. Always keep your arms locked and abs tight. Once you have extended as far forward as possible, pull back, returning to the start position. The ideal extension would bring your nose to the floor! For now, simply dip as far as you safely can, and try to improve after each workout.

Originally published at www.kaa-yaa.com.



Rahul Yadav
Rahul Yadav

Written by Rahul Yadav

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