Best Exercises for Building Big and Strong Hamstrings

Rahul Yadav
4 min readSep 16, 2018


In this article we will be talking about hamstrings. We will discuss the structure and function of hamstrings and how to build strong hamstrings.

Hamstring muscles are located at the back of the thighs. These are the exact opposite of the quad muscles, and they work together to control knee function. The hamstring is made up of the Biceps Femoris, the Semitendinosus, and the Semimembranosus muscles.

Hamstring Function

Together, the strong hamstring muscles perform

  1. Hip extension (that is, backwards movement of your thighs)

2. Knee flexion (that is, bending of the knee joint).

This is what we do when we run, walk, jump, bicycle, and nearly any other upright locomotion! The hamstrings are extremely important and strong muscles, combined with the glutes these muscles play a key role in our overall athletic performance. Keeping them happy means keeping a happy and balanced knee joint.

Exercises for Strong Hamstrings

Romanian Deadlift

This version of the deadlift is performed with the legs almost straight. The knees are bent slightly and are not moved much during the lift. With the bar racked at about your hip level, grab hold of it at shoulder width. While moving your hips backwards while keeping your knees stationary, bent over at your waist while keeping the spine neutral and lower the bar until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings. At that point bring the bar back up to the starting position.

By not bending your knees you will be focusing more on the hamstrings and eliminating the action of the quadriceps. NOTE: If you have any back problems do not perform this exercise. Also be very mindful about the rounding of your back while performing this exercise.

One Leg Deadlift

You need some amount of balance before you can perform this exercise as this exercise is performed on one leg. Using your right leg to work the right side, keep it planted and lift the left foot off the floor. Try without weights before adding a dumbbell or kettlebell in the right arm. Keeping your right knee slightly unlocked, dip forwards from the hips. Reach as far forwards as you can. You should feel a stretch in the hamstrings. Let your left leg following the line of your upper body. Reach a max stretch, then with slow control, return to the start position. Finish all repetitions on one side before moving to the other leg!

Good Mornings

This is a targeted and slightly more advanced exercise. Use a light barbell to master the correct positioning and techniques as bad form can really injure your back. Place the bar on the back of the neck, on the upper traps at the level of the spine of scapula. Place your feet in squat stance position; turned slightly out for comfort and shoulder-width apart. Pushing your hips backwards, start to descend your chest down, while maintaining a very straight back. Stop only when the hamstrings are stretched to their max capacity. Squeeze your glutes to push your hips forwards again to return to the start position.

Floor Glute-Ham raise

This is a really fun and challenging exercise for building strong hamstrings. Place yourselves on the floor in the kneeling position with both knees planted firmly (If you have sensitive knees, place a mat or cushion underneath) and your torso upright. Your ankles will be placed under a loaded barbell to anchor them in place. For more stable anchor of your feet, you may use a partner, who will grab hold of your feet. To begin, while keeping an upright posture, start to bend forward by hinging at your knees. In a controlled manner lean forward on the floor, bracing the impact with your palms. Immediately perform an explosive push up and use your hamstrings to lift yourself completely off the floor into an upright position while being supported on your knees.

Leg Curls

This is a popular bodybuilding exercise for strong hamstrings, which isolates the muscle in knee flexion. Some leg curl machines are seated while others are in a lying down prone position. Either way, you’ll simply station yourself in the machine as it is directed and “curl” your legs by bringing your heels to your butt. Start with legs as extended as possible and then flex as far as possible.

Originally published at



Rahul Yadav
Rahul Yadav

Written by Rahul Yadav

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